RIFFLORD is a band that defies all logic and its existence alone proves that raw determination and unwavering friendships can accomplish the improbable. With members residing in different parts of the United States and hundreds of miles away from each other they manage to create a sonic landscape as vast and diverse as the distance that exists between the members. Lugging around massive tube amps, oversized drums, and vintage Hammond organs they exist as if they were thawed from some primordial cro-magnon frost of a forgotten time in rock and roll
history. Heavily influenced by the old American West, down tuned guitars, orchestrated keys and thunderously abrasive drums they leave a mark that both romanticizes the past while beating back against the mainstream.
RIFFLORD is set to release its most ambitious and heaviest record yet, “39 Serpent Power”. This album was written and recorded in a pre-Covid world and then buried like a time capsule until 2024 to be released. “Serpent Power” encapsulates the raw visceral energy one gets from their initial love affair with substance abuse and the false freedom and power that eventually turns on the user over time. Just as the snake eats its own tail, this album takes the listener through the journey of excess, self-destruction, self-realization and the long walk out of the hell that is addiction.